Curiosity caught the dream.

Love asking questions? Now, every other Thursday, you have a socially acceptable way to ask them all, and avoid bumps on the road to success.

Greetings, Tanya here—I’m a filmmaker, photographer, and now podcaster. Like the rest of the world, in 2020 my job started a podcast (There to Here). But with the new year came a company restructuring, and I now find myself forging ahead on my own because I realized that I like chatting and asking questions. And oddly enough, other people like listening to it.

So here we are with The Practical Filmmaker. I’ve partnered with The Filmmaker Institute, dedicated to bringing film school online with accessible curriculum, and Sonscreen Film Festival, dedicated to cultivating filmmakers of tomorrow.

Together, we’ll be bringing you practical insights from film industry professionals from their experience, and from directly on-set.

Catch us every other Thursday for full episodes, and on off-weeks, an on-set Gear chat from “Picture’s Up” David George where find out crew members’ favorite old and new pieces of gear.

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Top 6 Episodes

#1 – Working as an extra could be your ticket into the industry
#2 – How to sell your indie film. Jorge gives an inside look into Netflix
#3 -Covid Measures on Set

#4 – Healthy boundaries can be hard to come by in Hollywood…listen to Korey figure out his while on the set of Jack Ryan.
(See also: Zack Arnold)
#5 – Talk sales for your indie film with a sales and finance agent for Verve.
#6 – Line producer for Jurassic world talks budget breakdowns and scheduling

For industry pros with 0-10 years of experience
