I get my last paycheck at the end of the month, I’ve set up recording in my closet, and I’m at the moment, sitting up in bed with my laptop at an hour reminiscent of my freelancing days…you know, before the 9-5 gave me a semblance of work-life boundaries.

Beginning of Dec. I learned that my job was restructuring and that my position was being eliminated. But it served me well—I knew what I wanted to do with this job and for the most part accomplished it:

  • Pay off debt
  • Play catch-up with retirement
  • Play catch-up with savings
  • Get Master’s (will finish this year)

But one of the best things to happen professionally this past year was the podcast—my curiosity and passion for education seemed to collide and all of a sudden, I had an appropriate space to bombard a pro with questions.

So a quick call to a few buddies at the Filmmaker Institute and Sonscreen Film Festival, and a fantastic synergy happened where we were all headed in the same direction and happened to have a wheel that the other didn’t.

And voila! You have The Practical Filmmaker.

Website, LLC, social media, guests—it’s all coming together bit by bit.

So cheers to starting blocks and wherever you find yourself.